A selection of past scoring works:

"This Body" (2021)
Director: Zac Manuel
Producer: Lauren Cargo
"This Body" explores the fraught relationship between African Americans and the medical industry. As Sydney Hall participates in an experimental coronavirus vaccine trial in hopes of protecting her beloved New Orleans community, she and her loved ones confront the history of medical abuse and experimentation on Black bodies. "This Body" was an official selection of the 2021 New Orleans Film Festival. Aired on PBS, 07/23/21.
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"The Unspoken Curriculum" (2021)
Client: The Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation
Creative Agency: Edelman
Director: Abraham Felix
Production Company: Windy Films
The life lessons students learn about race in school aren’t always in the lesson plan, but they are the lessons students carry with them into adulthood. The Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation (BLHF), a non-profit organization founded by award-winning actress Taraji P. Henson, is working to support students' mental health by rewriting “The Unspoken Curriculum” and giving students the tools to speak about their experiences in school. Help support the campaign by visiting BorisLHensonFoundation.Org/Unspoken and following on social to learn more and take action.
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"This Cut" (2020)
Director: Zac Manuel
The rituals of a Black barbershop in New Orleans transform in 2020.

"Chris Rose's NoirLens" Podcast (2020)
NoirLens: Parts Unknown meets Dateline, starring Pulitzer Prize winning author, Chris Rose. This podcast is the precursor to the TV Series coming in 2021. Come listen to what goes on behind the scenes. Hear all the lurid tales of his beloved pretty city, which is built on the backs of dead people. Malefactors, degenerates and corruption detailed in the highest form! "Buy the ticket, take the ride." Its worth it.
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